

The overall aim of the cattle group is to develop tools which can support farmers and veterinarians in their decision-making on farm to prevent and control respiratory and intestinal diseases in calves (bovine respiratory disease (BRD) and neonatal calf diarrhea (NCD)). The working titles of the tools are (1) early warning tool, (2) purchase assistant, (3) intervention rankers, and (4) barometer, though some are closely related and could be connected in the future. 


The first aim is to provide an end-user friendly descriptive representation (visualisation) of diagnostic data on BRD from different European countries to show prevalence and create awareness on pathogens and the importance of taking samples. A second objective is to warn farmers or other stakeholders (e.g. on a national level) that a farm (or multiple farms) are affected by an infection manifesting as BRD. This gives them the opportunity to take control and introduce prevention measures, such as biosecurity and vaccination.



The latest version of the Cattle barometer can be found here.