
Outputs of the DECIDE project in the form of public deliverables (documents, reports) can be found on this page. 

WP4 – Multidimensional burden of disease metric and prioritisation of interventions. 
Authors: William Gilbert, J.S. Afonso & J Rushton (UoL); W. Steeneveld, L.J.W. Boeters & G. v. Schaik (UU); Britt Jensen & Luis Pedro Carmo (NVI); E.J. Murray & C. McAloon (UCD); Gema Vidal (SVA); Angela Bearth (ETHZ) 

WP5 – Implementation and behavioural strategies for animal disease management.
Authors: Xiao Zhou (ETHZ), Angela Bearth (ETHZ), Charlotte Doidge (UoN), Jasmeet Kaler (UoN)