From March 22-24, the DECIDE consortium attended this year’s SVEPM (Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine) conference and annual general meeting in Toulouse, France. 

The conference brought together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts from the animal sciences field for a valuable exchange of knowledge and ideas. Among the notable discussions, the attending DECIDE consortium members had the chance of showcasing their work and recent results of the DECIDE project.

Besides DECIDE coordinator Gerdien van Schaik (UU), and members Carla Gomes (AHI) and Luis Carmo (NVI) chairing sessions 5, 6 and 7 of the 3-Day programme, the DECIDE project was featured with oral presentations by Baptiste Sorin (INRAE) (“Modelling pathogen-specific infection dynamics of bovine respiratory disease in a multi-batch fattening farm”) and Charlotte Doidge (UoN) (“Using social practice theory to understand the digital divide: A focus group study of UK cattle farmers”). 

"The yearly conference of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM) in Toulouse was a great opportunity to disseminate the latest DECIDE results and get some in-person feedback from the community and collaborators from other project such as the Global Burden of Diseases (GBADs) programme."