DECIDE’s First Set of Practice Abstracts Now Available on EU-FarmBook

We are excited to announce that the first set of practice abstracts developed by the DECIDE project is now available on EU-FarmBook.

EU-FarmBook, a Horizon-funded project, serves as a one-stop platform offering practical knowledge and solutions from EU-funded R&I projects, EIP-AGRI operational groups under the CAP, and other research initiatives. Its success relies on practice-oriented contributions such as reports, videos, brochures, manuals, and infographics — and DECIDE was invited to collaborate.

Our first set of practice abstracts includes eight concise summaries highlighting key results, findings, and practical recommendations from DECIDE’s work on four species: cattle, poultry, pigs, and salmon. The topics covered are:

  1. The Cattle Barometer: Navigating Europe’s pathogen landscape for livestock health.
  2. The Cattle Purchase Assistant: A decision-support tool to reduce disease introduction risks.
  3. Pig Health Tool: Enhancing farm-level decision-making.
  4. Economic Impact of Respiratory Diseases in Pigs: Interventions to mitigate losses.
  5. Dashboard for Broiler Farmers and Veterinarians: Monitoring infectious bronchitis strains.
  6. Risk Factor Analysis in Dutch Broiler Flocks: Antibiotic use, mortality, and footpad lesions.
  7. Early Disease Detection in Salmon: An innovative aquaculture approach.
  8. Mortality Monitoring in Atlantic Salmon: Tracking mariculture health in Scotland.

👉 View the practice abstracts here:

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